Clera single vision lenses protect against scratches and smudges, resulting in lenses that last longer. also prevent oil, water, and dirt from sticking to your lenses, making them easier to clean.
Dura Blue Uv premium arc lens offers active protection to your eyes against harmful uv rays. greatly reduces eye fatigue to active computer and mobile devices users.
Designed for both far and near vision use with a line placed generally at the position of the lower eyelid that separates the distance and near magnification.
Zylex an economical progressive lens option that moderately provides the benefits of the FreeForm manufacturing process.Zylex has easy adaption and is great for individuals with all kinds of hobbies and interests.
Adaptor Freeform Progressives provide personalized vision at all distances Adaptor progressive provides three specific design preferences for the wearer by adding up to 30% additional viewing area without dramatically affecting the other areas of the lens.
I-Focus is an ideal progressive lens design for individuals with multiple daily visual demands. The I-Focus lens offers easy design adaption and is improved with the Freeform manufacturing process added to the back surface of the lens. I-Focus offers excellent design symmetry which eliminates the effects of peripheral image disorder and provides a wider field of view in the lower periphery.
Wide-X, is the perfect combination of FreeForm technology. This high resolution progessive provides exceptional vision comfort. This new member of the denmark lenses progressive family is manufactured using FreeForm calculations and applying the result on the back of the lens. Wide-X can be fabricated using the wearers individual measurement angles such as Pantoscopic Tilt, Face Form and Vertex Distance.
I-Comfort Freeform lenses are manufactured according to the wearers unique personal measurements specifically using interpupillary distance, pantoscopic, vertex and frame wrap angles. I-comfort lenses use only the finest the FreeForm technology and are fabricated only with the wearers unique personal measurements with their desired frame. The result is a perfect adaption of all criteria and results in a harmonious relationship of visual clarity at all viewing angles.
Wider Max-HD Freeform Progressives Offers superior image stability, making your glasses more effective Get a fully personalized, balanced progressive design Incorporates SteadFast Methodology to minimize astigmatism by 15% as compared to other individual progressive lenses Enjoy a wider reading area, thanks to its variable base curve Offers full personalization and inset optimization to fit each user’s needs. Wider reading area thank to its variable base curve. Inset optimization.